Hathor Gum

Hathor Gum #0728

25 HTR

Seller: CryptoBuckeye


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Package texture Red 9.40%
Flavour A Wine 2.20%
Flavour B Kebab 1.20%
Background Red-Yellow Gradient 6.70%
Tagline Exploding bubble gum 6.72%
Flavour Merge Line Waves 33.46%
Logo Hathor Gum 94.00%
Animation No 90.00%

Hathor Gum 0728 of 5000

Floor price: 2 HTR*
Average price: 363.75 HTR

* Floor price is the lowest price for collection items, rather than the average item price, and is updated in real-time.

Last Sale: 2 HTR / 2024-01-24
Average: 23.94 HTR
Highest Sale: 200 HTR / 2022-01-14

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